No, dogs should not eat peanut shells. While the rough coverings of the nuts are not toxic to dogs, they can harm the dog’s digestive tract and become a choking hazard. We suggest keeping peanut shells away from your dog’s reach.

Caution: This food is generally considered risky by the veterinary community. Dogs should not eat this food and should be monitored for adverse effects.
Food Safety | Does not pose a risk when consumed in a small amount. However, owners should keep them out of the dog’s reach. |
Nutritional Issues | Peanut shells can have pesticides and fertilizer residue, which can prove harmful to dogs1. They can also accumulate and obstruct the digestive tract. |
Potential Risks | Allergic reaction to pesticide residue on the shells. Obstruction in the digestive system can need surgical intervention. Dogs can also choke on peanut shells. |
Symptoms | Vomiting, diarrhea, stomachache, and difficulty breathing. |
How Many Peanut Shells Are Bad for Dogs?
While it is ideal that your dog does not eat peanut shells, a handful will probably not harm the dog’s health. If your dog eats a significant amount of peanut shells, it is important to be on the lookout for any symptoms that show a disturbed digestive system. A quick tip: buy shelled peanuts to keep peanut shells away from your dog.
What Are Some Signs Your Dog Ate Too Many Peanut Shells?
If your dog presents symptoms, such as diarrhea, stomachache, and vomiting, chances are that your dog’s digestive tract is irritated by the peanut shells. In severe cases, the peanut shells can also result in bloody stools, showing the damage done to the digestive tract. Sometimes, your dog can also develop an allergic reaction due to the pesticide residue on the shells. It is important to contact your local veterinarian in this scenario immediately.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, peanuts are not poisonous to dogs. However, they do have a considerable fat and sodium content. Therefore, we suggest feeding them to dogs occasionally.
A small amount of peanut shells isn’t harmful to dogs. Therefore, you do not need to panic. However, if your dog exhibits any symptoms of discomfort, it is important to seek immediate medical assistance.
The surgical intervention only occurs when your dog has eaten a massive amount of peanut shells. Keeping a vigilant eye on your dog will lower this risk considerably.