Human Foods Dogs Can and Can’t Eat
Dog owners researching on the internet are particularly curious (or concerned) about their dogs eating human foods, like popcorn, desserts, pizza and cereal. The majority of human foods are risky or dangerous for dogs given sugar, fat, additives, preservatives and other non-natural ingredients. Our team has researched 334 popular human foods and written detailed articles on each that can be found in the table below.
Common Foods | Safety Classification |
Alfredo sauce | caution |
Almond milk | safe |
Animal crackers | safe |
Apple jacks | caution |
Apple pie | caution |
Apples with peanut butter | caution |
Avocado oil | caution |
Babyfood | caution |
Bagels | caution |
Baked beans | caution |
Baking soda | caution |
Banana bread | caution |
Bbq sauce | caution |
Bbq-chips | caution |
Beans-and-rice | caution |
Beef broth | caution |
Beef jerky | caution |
Berries | safe |
Beyond-meat | caution |
Biscuits | caution |
Blueberry muffins | caution |
Boba | caution |
Bratwurst | caution |
Brown sugar | caution |
Brownies | dangerous |
Cake | caution |
Candy | caution |
Candy canes | caution |
Candy corn | caution |
Canola oil | safe |
Captain crunch | caution |
Caramel | caution |
Caramel popcorn | caution |
Carob | safe |
Carrot cake | caution |
Cereal | caution |
Cheerios | safe |
Cheese balls | caution |
Cheese puffs | caution |
Cheese sticks | caution |
Cheeseburgers | caution |
Cheesecake | caution |
Cheetos | caution |
Cheez its | caution |
Chick filet nuggets | caution |
Chicken broth | caution |
Chicken broth with onions | dangerous |
Chicken noodle soup | caution |
Chicken wings | caution |
Chili | caution |
Chinese food | caution |
Chips | caution |
Chocolate | dangerous |
Chocolate | dangerous |
Chocolate cake | dangerous |
Chocolate chip cookies | dangerous |
Chocolate ice cream | dangerous |
Cinnamon rolls | caution |
Cinnamon toast crunch | caution |
Coconut ice cream | caution |
Coconut oil | safe |
Coffee | dangerous |
Coffee | dangerous |
Coffee beans | dangerous |
Coleslaw | caution |
Cookies | caution |
Cool whip | caution |
Corn dogs | caution |
Cornbread | safe |
Cornflakes | safe |
Cornstarch | safe |
Cotton candy | caution |
Cream cheese | caution |
Cream of mushroom soup | caution |
Cream of wheat | safe |
Croissants | caution |
Cupcakes | caution |
Curry | dangerous |
Deer bones | dangerous |
Deviled eggs | caution |
Donuts | caution |
Doritos | caution |
Egg-rolls | caution |
Fig newtons | safe |
Food coloring | caution |
Fortune-cookies | safe |
French fries | caution |
French-toast | caution |
Fried chicken | caution |
Fritos | caution |
Froot-loops | caution |
Frosted-flakes | caution |
Frosted-mini-wheats | caution |
Frosting | caution |
Fruit snacks | caution |
Fruity pebbles | caution |
Funyuns | caution |
Garlic | dangerous |
Ginger snaps | safe |
Gingerbread | caution |
Goldfish | caution |
Graham crackers | safe |
Grape jelly | dangerous |
Gravy | dangerous |
Green-olives-with-pimento | caution |
Grilled cheese | caution |
Grits | safe |
Guacamole | caution |
Gum | dangerous |
Gum | dangerous |
Gummy bears | caution |
Gummy-worms | caution |
Hamburger | caution |
Hash browns | caution |
Honey bunches of oats | caution |
Honey nut cheerios | safe |
Honey-buns | caution |
Horseradish | caution |
Hot cheetos | caution |
Hot chips | caution |
Hot-sauce | dangerous |
Hummus | caution |
Ice | safe |
Ice-cream | caution |
Ice-cream-cones | caution |
Imitation crab | caution |
Jello | caution |
Jelly | caution |
Jelly beans | caution |
Jif peanut butter | caution |
Jolly ranchers | caution |
Ketchup | caution |
Kimchi | dangerous |
Lasagna | caution |
Lays-chips | caution |
Licorice | caution |
Lollipops | caution |
Lucky charms | caution |
M&ms | dangerous |
Mac and cheese | caution |
Maple syrup | safe |
Marshmallows | safe |
Marshmellows | safe |
Mashed-potatoes | safe |
Mayo | caution |
Mcdonalds | caution |
Mcdonalds ice cream | caution |
Mcdonalds nuggets | caution |
Meatballs | caution |
Meatloaf | caution |
Miso soup | caution |
Mochi | caution |
Molasses | caution |
Mustard | caution |
Nutella | dangerous |
Nutritional-yeast | safe |
Nutter butters | caution |
Oatmeal cookies | caution |
Olive oil | safe |
Onion rings | dangerous |
Orange-chicken | dangerous |
Oreos | dangerous |
Oreos | dangerous |
Pancakes | safe |
Pasta-sauce | caution |
Peanut butter and jelly | caution |
Peanut-butter-cookies | caution |
Peanut-butter-crackers | safe |
Peanut-butter-pretzels | caution |
Peanut-butter-with-honey | caution |
Pesto | caution |
Pistachio ice cream | caution |
Pizza | caution |
Pop tarts | caution |
Popcorn | safe |
Popsicles | caution |
Pork rinds | caution |
Powdered donuts | caution |
Pringles | caution |
Pudding | caution |
Pumpkin pie | caution |
Pumpkin-bread | caution |
Ramen noodles | caution |
Ranch | dangerous |
Reese’s pieces | dangerous |
Refried-beans | caution |
Rice and chicken | safe |
Rice-krispie-treats | safe |
Ritz crackers | safe |
Salsa | caution |
Salt-and-vinegar-chips | caution |
Seasoned chicken | caution |
Sesame-oil | caution |
Sesame-sticks | caution |
Sherbert | caution |
Sherbet | caution |
Skippy-peanut-butter | caution |
Skittles | caution |
Slim jims | caution |
Smarties | caution |
Soup | caution |
Sour patch kids | caution |
Sour-cream-and-onion-chips | caution |
Spicy food | caution |
Sprinkles | caution |
Starburst | caution |
Stevia | caution |
Strawberry ice cream | caution |
Strawberry jelly | safe |
Stuffing | caution |
Sugar cookies | caution |
Sun-chips | caution |
Sunflower-butter | caution |
Sunflower-oil | safe |
Sushi | caution |
Sweet potato fries | caution |
Sweet potato pie | caution |
Sweets | caution |
Tacos | caution |
Takis | caution |
Tamales | caution |
Tater tots | caution |
Teriyaki-chicken | caution |
Tofu | safe |
Tomato sauce | caution |
Tomato-soup | caution |
Toothpaste | dangerous |
Tortilla chips | safe |
Tortillas | safe |
Tums | safe |
Tuna-mayo | caution |
Twizzlers | caution |
Vanilla bean ice cream | caution |
Vanilla ice cream | caution |
Vanilla-wafers | caution |
Vegetable oil | caution |
Veggie-straws | safe |
Vinegar | safe |
Waffles | caution |
Wasabi | dangerous |
Wheat-thins | safe |
White chocolate | dangerous |
White-cheddar-popcorn | safe |
Wild mushrooms | dangerous |
Xylitol | dangerous |