No, star fruit is unsafe for dogs and should be avoided. Star fruit is toxic to dogs and can cause star fruit poisoning. This is because of the presence of soluble calcium oxalate crystals in the fruit. If your small dog has eaten even a bit of starfruit, take them to the vet to ensure their safety.

Dangerous: This food is generally considered a serious threat to the health and wellbeing of dogs. Please contact your vet, a veterinary hospital or pet poison control if you suspect your dog has eaten this food recently.
Why Can’t Dogs Eat Star Fruit?
Star fruit contains oxalic acid and oxalic salts. These are toxic substances for dogs, and foods that contain them should be kept away from them .
A dog’s intestinal tract absorbs these oxalate salts, which bond with the calcium in the body. This causes the calcium to decrease quickly and can result in acute kidney failure.
How Much Star Fruit is Dangerous for Dogs?
Star fruit less than an ounce is harmful to your dog.
Star Fruit poisoning can occur with just a few bites. Hence, consider storing star fruit out of reach of your dog. When disposing of the fruit, make sure that your dog can’t get their paws on it in the trash.
Frequently Asked Questions
No, star fruit should not be fed to a dog. Contact a vet immediately if your dog has eaten a star fruit.
Grapes, avocados, and cherries are some fruits other than star fruit that are toxic for dogs. Before feeding your dog any food, it is best to consult your vet so you can make an informed decision and provide your dog with a healthy diet.
If your dog has eaten star fruit, it is best not to wait for symptoms to show up. See a vet immediately, or take them to the pet ER if a vet is unavailable.