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Yes, eggs can be safely eaten by a diabetic dog since they are a good source of protein and do not cause a rise in sugar levels. Ensure that the egg is cooked thoroughly and free of any seasonings before serving it to your dog.

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Safe: This food is generally considered safe by the veterinary community. Dogs can eat this food sometimes or in small amounts but contains little to no nutritional value.

Food Safety Safe in moderate amounts
Nutritional Value Excellent source of protein and calcium
Potential Risks Salmonella from raw eggs, gastrointestinal issues from eating too many eggs
Every dog is different. For specific feeding guidelines, including quantities and beneficial foods that are best for your dog, please consult your vet.

How Many Eggs Are Safe for a Diabetic Dog?

If you want to introduce eggs into your diabetic dog’s diet, it is best to start slow with one or two eggs per week. If your dog has eaten eggs before, an egg a day should be fine as well. However, you should not exceed the limit of more than two eggs a day for your dog.

How Safely Prepare Eggs for Your Diabetic Dog?

It is important to cook eggs before serving them to your diabetic dog. While there are multiple ways of cooking eggs, boiling or scrambling without oil are the best options for your dog since fried eggs can be high in fat. Ensure that the eggs you serve are free of any seasoning, such as salt, since they can be harmful to dogs. Eggs should also become part of your dog’s regular diet rather than being an addition. Ensure that the portion of eggs you give your dog is suitable for a balanced diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Eggs can help regulate blood sugar, which is why they are good for diabetic dogs.

  • Raw eggs can contain harmful bacteria, therefore, it is best to not feed your dog raw eggs. Boiled eggs are the best option for a diabetic dog.

About the Writer
Dan Greco , Dog Dad

Having been a dog dad for 5 years, I know how hard it is to make sure your dog gets the right nutrients and stays away from hazardous foods. With the help of a veterinarian who specializes in nutrition, I created this blog to help dog owners quickly access food information they need.

photo of vet holding a pup
About the Contributor
Dr. Hillary Wolfe , Veterinarian & Certified Food Therapist

Dr. Wolfe holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine from Kansas State University and holds nutrition certifications from the NAVC and CIVT. Her business, Tula Veterinary Nutrition, hosts online courses that teach owners how to cook for their pet for optimal health and longevity. Follow her on Instagram at @doctorwolfe.dvm for dog nutrition tips, recipes and insights.